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Spark - Beyond Binary Code

If you’ve never had to think about your gender, you probably haven’t realised how often you get gendered online. But for individuals identifying beyond the binary gender of male + female, it affects them every day.

Beyond Binary Code changes that, with a single piece of code that rewrites the internet to see all genders.

Beyond Binary Code


If you’ve never had to think about your gender, you probably haven’t realised how often you get gendered online. But for individuals identifying beyond the binary gender of male + female, it affects them every day. 

Beyond Binary Code changes this with a single piece of code that can be added to your website. 

Co-created with OutLine and non-binary communities, the code revises the way organisations collect gender data by updating website forms and fields with gender inclusive options so everyone can feel seen. 

But Beyond Binary Code is bigger than just code. It’s a full tool that helps businesses understand, first and foremost, whether they truly need to collect gender data from their customers at all. If they do, a HTML code is generated based on their unique business needs, so they can ask in a safe and inclusive way. 

The code comes with helpful materials to support businesses on their beyond binary journey, including guides on data privacy principles, how to get stakeholder buy-in and how to create safer spaces both on and offline for their customers and employees. 

To join Spark and OutLine in their ambition to make the internet a more inclusive place for all, download the code.